

[root@localhost ~]# yum -y install system-storage-manager.noarch



[root@localhost ~]# sudo ssm list


Device    Free   Used   Total Pool Mount point


/dev/sda           50.00 GB    PARTITIONED

/dev/sda1          500.00 MB    /boot  

/dev/sda2           2.02 GB    SWAP  

/dev/sda3           47.50 GB    /    

/dev/sdb  4.00 GB 1.00 GB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sdc  5.00 GB 0.00 KB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sdd            5.00 GB        

/dev/sde            5.00 GB        



Pool Type Devices   Free   Used  Total


vg00 lvm  2    8.99 GB 1.00 GB 9.99 GB



Volume     Pool Volume size FS   FS size    Free Type  Mount point


/dev/vg00/lv00 vg00   1.00 GB ext2  1.00 GB 957.62 MB linear     

/dev/sda1        500.00 MB xfs  496.67 MB 406.23 MB part  /boot  

/dev/sda3        47.50 GB xfs  47.47 GB  43.87 GB part  /    




[root@localhost ~]# ssm add -p vg00 /dev/sdd

 Physical volume "/dev/sdd" successfully created

 Volume group "vg00" successfully extended



[root@localhost ~]# ssm list


Device    Free   Used   Total Pool Mount point


/dev/sda           50.00 GB    PARTITIONED

/dev/sda1          500.00 MB    /boot  

/dev/sda2           2.02 GB    SWAP  

/dev/sda3           47.50 GB    /    

/dev/sdb  4.00 GB 1.00 GB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sdc  5.00 GB 0.00 KB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sdd  5.00 GB 0.00 KB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sde            5.00 GB        



Pool Type Devices   Free   Used   Total


vg00 lvm  3    13.99 GB 1.00 GB 14.99 GB



Volume     Pool Volume size FS   FS size    Free Type  Mount point


/dev/vg00/lv00 vg00   1.00 GB ext2  1.00 GB 957.62 MB linear     

/dev/sda1        500.00 MB xfs  496.67 MB 406.23 MB part  /boot  

/dev/sda3        47.50 GB xfs  47.47 GB  43.87 GB part  /    




[root@localhost ~]# ssm resize -s +10G /dev/vg00/lv00

fsck,来自 util-linux 2.23.2

/dev/mapper/vg00-lv00: 11/65536 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 4763/262144 blocks

 Extending logical volume lv00 to 11.00 GiB

 Logical volume lv00 successfully resized

resize2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)

Resizing the filesystem on /dev/mapper/vg00-lv00 to 2883584 (4k) blocks.

The filesystem on /dev/mapper/vg00-lv00 is now 2883584 blocks long.




[root@localhost ~]# ssm list


Device    Free   Used   Total Pool Mount point


/dev/sda           50.00 GB    PARTITIONED

/dev/sda1          500.00 MB    /boot  

/dev/sda2           2.02 GB    SWAP  

/dev/sda3           47.50 GB    /    

/dev/sdb  0.00 KB 5.00 GB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sdc  0.00 KB 5.00 GB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sdd  3.99 GB 1.01 GB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sde            5.00 GB        



Pool Type Devices   Free   Used   Total


vg00 lvm  3    3.99 GB 11.00 GB 14.99 GB



Volume     Pool Volume size FS   FS size    Free Type  Mount point


/dev/vg00/lv00 vg00   11.00 GB ext2  11.00 GB  10.31 GB linear     

/dev/sda1        500.00 MB xfs  496.67 MB 406.23 MB part  /boot  

/dev/sda3        47.50 GB xfs  47.47 GB  43.87 GB part  /    



[root@localhost ~]# mke2fs /dev/vg00/lv00



[root@localhost ~]# df -hT

文件系统       类型   容量 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点

/dev/sda3       xfs    48G 3.6G  44G  8% /

devtmpfs       devtmpfs 906M   0 906M  0% /dev

tmpfs         tmpfs   914M  80K 914M  1% /dev/shm

tmpfs         tmpfs   914M 8.9M 905M  1% /run

tmpfs         tmpfs   914M   0 914M  0% /sys/fs/cgroup

/dev/sda1       xfs    497M 116M 382M  24% /boot

/dev/mapper/vg00-lv00 ext2    11G 5.0M  11G  1% /mnt



[root@localhost ~]# mkdir /soft

[root@localhost ~]# ssm create -s 1G -n soft --fstype xfs -p mysoft /dev/sde /soft 

//create创建、-s 1G指定大小、-n soft文件名称、--fstype xfs文件系统、-p mysoft指定存储池名称、/dev/sde /soft指定那块磁盘挂载哪个目录上

 Physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully created

 Volume group "mysoft" successfully created

 Logical volume "soft" created

meta-data=/dev/mysoft/soft    isize=256  agcount=4, agsize=65536 blks

     =            sectsz=512  attr=2, projid32bit=1

     =            crc=0

data   =            bsize=4096  blocks=262144, imaxpct=25

     =            sunit=0   swidth=0 blks

naming  =version 2       bsize=4096  ascii-ci=0 ftype=0

log   =internal log      bsize=4096  blocks=2560, version=2

     =            sectsz=512  sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1

realtime =none          extsz=4096  blocks=0, rtextents=0



[root@localhost ~]# ssm list


Device    Free   Used   Total Pool  Mount point


/dev/sda           50.00 GB     PARTITIONED

/dev/sda1          500.00 MB     /boot  

/dev/sda2           2.02 GB     SWAP  

/dev/sda3           47.50 GB     /    

/dev/sdb  0.00 KB 5.00 GB  5.00 GB vg00      

/dev/sdc  0.00 KB 5.00 GB  5.00 GB vg00      

/dev/sdd  3.99 GB 1.01 GB  5.00 GB vg00      

/dev/sde  4.00 GB 1.00 GB  5.00 GB mysoft     



Pool  Type Devices   Free   Used   Total


mysoft lvm  1    4.00 GB  1.00 GB  5.00 GB

vg00  lvm  3    3.99 GB 11.00 GB 14.99 GB



Volume      Pool  Volume size FS    FS size    Free Type  Mount point


/dev/vg00/lv00  vg00    11.00 GB ext2  11.00 GB  10.31 GB linear /mnt  

/dev/mysoft/soft mysoft   1.00 GB xfs  1014.00 MB 1013.88 MB linear /soft  

/dev/sda1          500.00 MB xfs  496.67 MB  406.23 MB part  /boot  

/dev/sda3          47.50 GB xfs   47.47 GB  43.87 GB part  /    





[root@localhost ~]# ssm snapshot /dev/mysoft/soft

 Rounding up size to full physical extent 208.00 MiB

 Logical volume "snap20160531T120543" created

[root@localhost ~]# ssm list snapshots


Snapshot             Origin Pool  Volume size   Size Type


/dev/mysoft/snap20160531T120543 soft  mysoft  208.00 MB 21.30 KB linear




[root@localhost ~]# ssm remove /dev/mysoft/soft

Device '/dev/mysoft/soft' is mounted on '/soft' Unmount (N/y/q) ? Y

Do you really want to remove active logical volume snap20160531T120543? [y/n]: y

 Logical volume "snap20160531T120543" successfully removed

Do you really want to remove active logical volume soft? [y/n]: y

 Logical volume "soft" successfully removed



[root@localhost ~]# ssm list


Device    Free   Used   Total Pool  Mount point


/dev/sda           50.00 GB     PARTITIONED

/dev/sda1          500.00 MB     /boot  

/dev/sda2           2.02 GB     SWAP  

/dev/sda3           47.50 GB     /    

/dev/sdb  0.00 KB 5.00 GB  5.00 GB vg00      

/dev/sdc  0.00 KB 5.00 GB  5.00 GB vg00      

/dev/sdd  3.99 GB 1.01 GB  5.00 GB vg00      

/dev/sde  5.00 GB 0.00 KB  5.00 GB mysoft     



Pool  Type Devices   Free   Used   Total


mysoft lvm  1    5.00 GB  0.00 KB  5.00 GB

vg00  lvm  3    3.99 GB 11.00 GB 14.99 GB



Volume     Pool Volume size FS   FS size    Free Type  Mount point


/dev/vg00/lv00 vg00   11.00 GB ext2  11.00 GB  10.31 GB linear /mnt  

/dev/sda1        500.00 MB xfs  496.67 MB 406.23 MB part  /boot  

/dev/sda3        47.50 GB xfs  47.47 GB  43.87 GB part  /    




[root@localhost ~]# ssm remove mysoft

 Volume group "mysoft" successfully removed



[root@localhost ~]# ssm list


Device    Free   Used   Total Pool Mount point


/dev/sda           50.00 GB    PARTITIONED

/dev/sda1          500.00 MB    /boot  

/dev/sda2           2.02 GB    SWAP  

/dev/sda3           47.50 GB    /    

/dev/sdb  0.00 KB 5.00 GB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sdc  0.00 KB 5.00 GB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sdd  3.99 GB 1.01 GB  5.00 GB vg00     

/dev/sde            5.00 GB        



Pool Type Devices   Free   Used   Total


vg00 lvm  3    3.99 GB 11.00 GB 14.99 GB



Volume     Pool Volume size FS   FS size    Free Type  Mount point


/dev/vg00/lv00 vg00   11.00 GB ext2  11.00 GB  10.31 GB linear /mnt  

/dev/sda1        500.00 MB xfs  496.67 MB 406.23 MB part  /boot  

/dev/sda3        47.50 GB xfs  47.47 GB  43.87 GB part  /    




上一篇 2025年1月1日 16:28:49
下一篇 2025年1月1日 16:28:57


